
The Aggregation module provides different Aggregation and MapReduce features


The aggregator can be used to iterate over a collection (e.g. database or array of objects) and collect data.


Create the closure that will be invoked for every item in the collection and pass it to the new instance:

 * @param DocumentInterface $document
$aggregateFunction = function ($document) {
    /** @var Aggregator $this */
    // Add data to the $results array
    $this->results[time()] = 1;

// Create the aggregator instance
$aggregator = new Aggregator($aggregateFunction);

Invoke the aggregator's perform() method with the collection:

$results = $aggregator->perform($collection);

The returned value will be the $results array.


Actually MapReduce is a programming model for parallel data processing on clusters. Although parallelism is not supported by Stairtower, a special aggregator class is included that performs map and reduce functions.


Create the map closure that will be invoked for every item in the collection:

 * @param DocumentInterface $document
$mapFunction = function ($document) {
    /** @var MapReduce $this */
    // Emit keys and values $this->emit($key, $mixed);
    $this->emit($key, 1);

Create the reduce closure that will be invoked for every key emitted by the map function and the emitted values:

 * @param string $key
 * @param array $values
 * @return number
$reduceFunction = function ($key, $values) {
  return array_sum($values);

Pass the closures to the MapReduce constructor:

$aggregator = new MapReduce($mapFunction, $reduceFunction);

Invoke the aggregator's perform() method with the collection:

$results = $aggregator->perform($collection);

The returned value will be a dictionary of the emitted keys and their associated reduce-call results.